Diane Hudock D.S.S.

Doctor of Spiritual Science

Spiritual Psychologist (M.A.), Spiritual Counselor, Ordained Minister

Advanced Biofield Tuning Practitioner

Creator of Akashic Template Healing & Renewal™️

Touch for Health Energy Kinesiology Practitioner

Melcheziedek Axiatonal Alignment Facilitator

Dr. Diane Hudock is a spiritual teacher, expert biofield energy healer, and commutator for transformation. She is one of the most sought out healers in Los Angeles, CA, as well as globally - facilitating thousands of distance sessions all over the world - bringing her deeply individualized holistic approach and expertise to her clients with great heart, commitment, and compassion for over twenty years.


Known for her inspirational style and soul-centered lens, Diane draws from her extensive studies in consciousness practices, spiritual psychology, spiritual science, energy medicine, resonant frequency healing, yogic science, and Divine transmission to facilitate sustained change and integrated wellness in people’s lives. 

As a doctor of spiritual science, an expert biofield healer, and spiritual psychologist, she has facilitated thousands of clients 1:1 in finding new ways to address and clear traumas, blockages, and the misunderstandings in one’s life story. This powerful work has become the center point of her service and focus, as the need for healing and inner-awakening has never been greater than at this time on planet Earth. She finds great joy in serving others by providing the keys to process, dissolve, and heal in their Soul's incompletions and cultivate a life of joy, fulfillment, and freedom.

The Early Years:

 Diane describes her life as an unexpected and ever deepening embrace with the Divine. A born empath and intuitive - it has taken her decades to embrace, understand, and even openly share this aspect of herself with others. Only the gift of time, maturity, and organic unfoldment — through her own direct experiences and years of confirmation from the recipients of her healing work — has she come to humbly accept it and work with it, as a vessel of greater service to the world and the acceleration of humanity.

During her late teens and into her early twenties, after a series of Divine encounters and events, she was guided towards many living masters who began showing her the way to deepen her natural gifts of sight and healing, cultivate a greater trust, and ground these abilities in the physical world. Some of those standout teachers and mentors include Barbara Brennen and her Light Body School of Healing, certification in the Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki System (1997) with Reiki Master Stephen Sokilow, shamanistic training and light body healing with Alberto Villoldo Ph.D., and quantum healing with Meitek Werkus.

Deepening Her Training:

Moving to LA in her mid twenties, she spent many of these years traveling the globe teaching yoga and meditation, and healing practices to the Hollywood elite, at retreats, festivals, and events. Her training included certifications in Ashtanga vinyasa, Anusara, and studies with many other senior level teachers refining her craft and practice, such as Tim Miller, David Life, and Anna Forrest to name just a few of her most revered.  She met her guru, Himalayan Master, YogiRaj Siddhanath Gurunath in her early thirties opening the door to greater spiritual wisdom and siddhic insight, becoming a close disciple and hamsacharya to the Kriya  path in India and learning advanced techniques through his devout direction, love, and divine aptitude. In 2015, after several other Divine encounters, she was led to the spiritual teachings of John Roger DSS and continues to integrate this loving and life-enhancing path today.

Degrees, Higher Education And Credentials:

Dr. Diane is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College. She holds a Master’s degree in Applied Spiritual Psychology, as well as, a Masters and Doctorate degree in Spiritual Science.

Biofield Tuning, Meridian Balancing, Energy Realignment And More:

She is an advanced, certified Biofield Tuning™ practitioner, having completed her multi-level training directly from the pioneer of this work, Eileen Mckusick.  Additionally, she is influenced by her studies on biosonic repatterning, neural coherence, and quantum cranial alignment with the beloved trailblazer of this work, John Beaulieu. This background combined with her direct experience in the “field” working consistently with over 5000 individuals one on one, as well as, drawing from her extensive skill set and empathic sight, Dr. Diane has discovered various patterns, topography and exciting revelations unique to the process. This organic unfoldment ushered forward her own approach to healing called Akashic Template Healing and Renewal.

Dr. Diane is a certified Touch for Health™ (TFH) practitioner having completed Levels 1-4 from her mentor of this comprehensive energy kinesiology method, Matthew Thie, the son of the world renowned founder - the late John Thie, DC. She is also a certified Melchizedek Axiatonal Re-Alignment Practitioner. 

Over the years, Dr. Diane has been on the faculty of international panels and soul-centered wellness programs, presented at National conferences and festivals throughout the US, and led retreats all over  the world from India to Asia and Mexico to the French West Indies. Her published articles have appeared in many wellness and spiritual publications and outlets including WellandGood, Hufffington Post, La Times, ShoutOut LA, LaYoga, Pregnancy Magazine, and as a featured guest on many podcasts. 

Self-Mastery in Service

As an active initiate and ordained minister through the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness, she humbly offers her ministerial skills, spiritual counsel, and blessings to all in need from baptisms, weddings, and home clearings, to hospice, hospital visits, and end of life transitions.

It is with great joy and purpose, that she shares these ancient and time tested healing modalities to all who seek it for the amelioration of suffering and the betterment of humanity.

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