Alchemy of Mastery

Mentorship Program

for Healers

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The Alchemy of Mastery

Mentorship for Developing Healers

Becoming a Conduit

For Divine Energy & Transformation

The Alchemy of Mastery Mentorship Healers Program 

is my signature mentorship program thoughtfully designed and organically birthed from the overflowing requests from many students students and recipients of the healing work over the years, seeking to learn and awaken the fundamentals of their authentic healer-ship for themselves and others as a viable path of service, financial abundance, and soul fulfillment.  In essence, this 1:1 mentorship program is a holy training ground for you to learn sacred guidance, expert directives, and the necessary applications to be an effective facilitator and transmutator for healing and transformation. 

In this highly unique, spiritually-centered program, we identify, refine, and place into action the development of your healing gifts through the clear lens of inner knowing, heart-centered attunement, foundational skills of sensory application, and case discovery.  First, we clarify what your unique gifting is in the Spirit.  Gifts are very different than skills.  From here, a strategic path of implementation and unfoldment is in order to make a way for the acceleration of your calling in alignment to the highest good. 

Dependent on the direction and need of each student, you will learn the dynamics of energy perception, spiritual sight, and the power of Divine transference.  Other applications may include the teachings on the inner levels or realms, attributes of higher realms, psychic protection, sacred geometry, soul roles and archetypes, lines of activation, ancestral miasm imprints, how to access your inner awareness and wisdom body, the nature of emotion as it relates the manifestation of dis-ease, the application of holy light and sound to facilitate healing, energy management and clearing, the usage of various instruments for energy input and feedback, the power of rightful intention to move and affect the field in and around the body, and practices in service to the refinement of your abilities as a channel for the Divine.

These are just some of the areas this program will explore, recognizing that each individual has their antenna directed to a certain skillset or interest as it relates to awakening their ordained gift and deepening the mastery of Self. 

PREREQUISITE: Application Required 

To learn more about this program and inquire availability, click here to contact Dr. Diane and select 'Mentorship For Developing Healers' before inquiring. Thanks!

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