Spiritual Counseling Los Angeles CA | 1-On-1 Akashic Counseling Sessions

Spiritual Counseling Sessions

Awakening The Fullness of Who You Truly Are

Clearing The Stories And Awakening You Into The Fullness Of Who You Truly Are

“Don’t just live in freedom, liberate yourself…for when you tap into that well of flow, happiness is its waters and deep knowing is its container. From here, all things are possible.”

- Dr. Diane Hudock

What is Spiritual Counseling?

If you have been trying your best to release blocks, move forward, and heal your life, despite your efforts of modern therapy, meditation, and the changing of habits or environment, a deeper approach may be calling you. This is where psychology and spirituality meet. 

This work allows you profound opportunities to awaken to your Self as a powerful co-creator with Source, to see your life-path with great purpose, and integrate time-tested methods and strategies for dealing with the deepest of suffering and problems. Judgements, limiting beliefs, and misinterpretations (of reality, the Self, and the world) are given the space to be dissolved, reframed and rewritten. 

When the disempowering stories of our lives are lifted, a whole new world becomes available to us. What remains is the presence of our most original state - the EMPOWERED SELF – rooted and integrated. 

When you are really awake to who you truly are, you not only get to create miracles, you experience yourself as the miracle – where great joy, love, and authentic fulfillment is the natural result. Aligned manifestation and true transformation are possible through this sacred and life-affirming process.

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The Alchemy of Mastery Approach

As a doctor of spiritual science, spiritual holistic psychologist, and seasoned mentor, Diane draws from both her extensive training in psychology, spirituality, consciousness, and divination studies to support the individual through these highly experiential sessions. As a born intuitive and empath, as well as, devout minister, yogi, and meditator for three decades, Dr. Diane gracefully draws upon these ancient and unwavering foundational principles to support and usher the healing of ones’ Soul. 

Through this kaleidoscope of modalities, this work offers a doorway to your deep inner knowing and a return to the Center. 

It is a two-fold place of great peace…

Where you trust in the order of your life in all its color and handle it with grace and ease.

Where you not only experience the power of Divine presence, but, you accept it and work with it as your supreme resource for healing and breakthrough.

Client Testimonials

(For Spiritual Counsel)

“These sessions are a meeting with your Soul having a human experience in the most Light-filled and life-changing way. It’s me finally meeting the true me before the stories I told myself, and living my life now from the highest place. Since this work with Diane, I have discovered my true passion, fell in love, and healed a very broken wound with my mother that has been life-changing...”

Kelly C., Singer/Musician


“You truly are a gifted teacher. I am so grateful for our sessions. Your passion and clear vision cut directly to the issues at hand. The tools you have given me have been invaluable, I have embraced them all on a daily practice.  If that isn’t enough, you helped bring clarity to an issue I had been struggling with for three years. With your guidance I now am clear on what has kept me in limbo. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! I’m excited to see the new year unfold… and can’t wait to say, “This all came from my imagination!"

Heidi F., Actress


"Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the clarity, healing and wisdom that you brought forth to all our sessions. I am so grateful for the changes in my life, the empowerment, the courage, and the grace that I now experience as a direct result of the processes and new ways of seeing my life and circumstances. You are a true gift to all.” 

Claire P., Designer


“A lot of issues that I had not dealt with before in my life came to a head and I needed to resolve them fast.

I found Diane in a search and just felt guided to work with her in counseling me back to my peace and the loving of myself. It was probably the most powerful gift I could have given myself. She is a fierce teacher, guide and healer with the most generous heart. Because of my sessions with her, I have found my true self again and I live there everyday. Thank you Diane for coming into my life and bringing me back to the Light. I love you.” 

Ali T., Healer, Artist 


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