Self-Alchemy is the Divinely inherent process by which we have the innate ability, as multidimensional beings of Light, to access the necessary energy to transform and transmute the conditions of our life - the states of being in our Hu-maness that inflict negativity on ANY level: physical, metal, emotional, or spiritual. 

Through the awakening of this well of knowledge, wisdom, and acuity inside of us, we learn, through inner levels of mastery, to dissolve what no longer serves our highest good and move ourselves into alignment and attunement with the harmony of creation itself. 

To do this is no small feat - as it requires as mastery does, a commitment to oneself and the purification of one’s consciousness. Yet, as a Universal Law, physical world reality is here as the vehicle by which we perceive our own transformation via our growth and upliftment. 

How each person partakes in the creation of their world is of their own choosing. The more we recognize ourselves as Soul, the more we come into the Loving nature of all things - all conditions, circumstances, and curriculums presented in our life experience. 

Self-Alchemy is a holy process and precipitation by which we set ourselves free. When we step into our greater levels of this process of inner engineering, we gain the ability to lay down all the emotions, behaviors, beliefs, and limiting patterns we have placed in motion at one point or another which perpetuated our suffering. We master the eradication of our habits to continue feeding the constrictive states of being such as separation, doubt, lack, loneliness, grief, despair, and confusion. The application of Self-Alchemy establishes us on the foundation where we truly live - on the level of truth, strength, and love. As many great masters before us have alchemized mercury into gold, we too have the keys to this great dispensation. We too can self-alchemize our basic nature into a golden nature and radically transform our lives for the better. 

Come partake in the wholeness of your being and learn to recognize yourself as the maker of your own miracles. It is the manifestation of this Age, and it is yours for the taking if you choose. So, why delay?

I’ll meet you there… in this great field of possibility. 

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